New Year’s Day House the Homeless HUGSS Event
Be our guest – volunteers welcome – at our 32nd Annual HUGSS GIVE Party.
Hot meal with dessert & packs stuffed with new clothing items & helps for Winter survival.
Music by Rockin’ Gospel – PJ Liles
NEW YEAR’S DAY, January 1st
WEDNESDAY doors open to guests at 12 NOON
(Volunteers 11am or as assigned)
901 Trinity Street, Austin, Texas
Annual party for persons experiencing homelessness including backpacks filled with winter essentials, a hot lunch, and entertainment by The Rockin’ Gospel Band. Winter essentials such as Hats, Under-Thermals, Gloves, Scarves, Socks (HUGSS).
For decades, HtH has raised funds for HUGSS (hats, under-thermals, gloves, scarves and socks to gift to individual men, women, and youth experiencing homelessness in the greater Austin area. Our New Year’s Day party is again planned at and with gratitude to First Baptist Church of Austin, 901 Trinity St., New Year’s Day, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Music, Lunch, HUGSS bags. Other resources on-site.
Let us know if you want to volunteer or contribute to our annual Hats, Under-thermals, Gloves, Scarves, and Socks (HUGSS) event that serves our unhoused neighbors, including live music, a hot lunch with desserts and the provision of new Winter survival clothing and gear (such as flashlights etc.). Contact
BlythePlunkett@gmail.com or
info@housethehomeless.com if interested in volunteering.
View some of the photos from the previous events: