No “Discharge to Nowhere”

Richard R. Troxell, founder of the nonprofit group House the Homeless in Austin, TX, has initiated a campaign to “Discharge No One Into Homelessness” (DNOIH) which he is convinced will resonate with many people. In Surviving on the Streets, Ace Backwords mentions...

“Housing First” Offers Precious Opportunity

The fictional character of Dracula was inspired by the real Prince Vlad of Romania, sarcastically described here by Robert Davenport in his Roots of the Rich and Famous: Realizing that the plight of the homeless was an important problem in his country, he had all...

Income Inequality and Low-Paying Jobs

Many people have seen the chart shown here, which “went viral” not long ago. Now the site where it appears carries an afternote from Lisa Wade, who says: Since posting this, I’ve discovered that the numbers do not accurately reflect the ratio of CEO vs....

Richer Rich, Poorer Poor, and PSC

House the Homeless looked at the Associated Press journalist Hope Yen’s report on the recent Pew survey about attitudes concerning class in the United States. It turned out to be so interesting, there’s more to say about it. Increasing poverty...