American Cities vs. Amazonian Wiles

Everything affects homelessness. Job loss, divorce, well-paid people moving in from out of town, gas prices, food prices, overzealous law enforcement, disrupted family connections, public transport, church activities… All these factors, and many more, exert influence...

Tropes of the Unhoused

Referencing myths about homelessness is a reliable way to create an easily-understandable title for a piece of journalism, yet the word itself is a bit too glamorous for comfort. “Myth” is a rather positive word, one that elevates and ennobles, associated with grand...

Have a Respectful Halloween

Quite a few recent posts have been about the statues and the many groups of Americans represented by the figures — including children, women, minorities, senior citizens, veterans, the elderly, and the sick, also including returning service members with Traumatic...

Media and Provocation

In 2006, radio personalities Opie and Anthony, whose audience feels cult-like devotion, attracted negative attention for a street performance. Andrew, a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk, offered them some cake. Anthony declined to touch it, and Opie jumped on it...