Disability Wage or Exploitative Loophole?

Eighty percent of disabled people are said to be excluded from the American workforce. Even for those who are deemed employable, the picture is not bright. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, private-sector employers with more than 15 employees are not...

What’s Up with Goodwill?

The National Employment Law Project calculated that two out of three low-wage workers are employed by large corporations. Only one-third work for small businesses, which throws shade on the argument that raising the minimum wage will destroy the economy by...

Nonsense Around a Corporate Decision

Apparently, the minimum wage issue is vulnerable to all kinds of potential spin, depending on particular number-crunching techniques, how various terms are defined, and so forth. As in so many fields of human endeavor, unreliable data can doom to failure any attempt...

Things People Say About Minimum Wage

When all else fails, minimum wage opponents become fervently patriotic, because freedom is at stake. Shouldn’t a person have the right to work for any amount they are willing to accept? There is one little problem with that. If everyone believed it, we would never...

People, Robots and Minimum Wage

One of the most interesting aspects of the ongoing minimum wage debate is a warning that we will all be replaced by mechanical substitutes. An article from the Cornell Roosevelt Institute echoes a point that House the Homeless has made many times: that a person who...